During lockdown I have become completely obsessed with sourdough baking. Just take a look at my instagram! Perfecting the care of the starter and making different breads with different flours for family and friends has been a joy!

Sourdough is easier on the digestion as the gluten breaks down during the fermentation process. It is more nutritious than other breads as the lactic acids that develop help to break down the phytates which prevent absorption of the vitamins and minerals.

I am now offering a beginners workshop for small groups or individuals. These can take place in my kitchen in Cuckfield or in your own home. You will learn how to care for your starter, make a loaf and understand the bulk fermentation stage, how to handle the dough to get the best results and know when you loaf is proved. We will bake one during the class and have a taste of some different loaves laden in delicious butter! You will take home a ready to bake loaf. I will also show you how to make sauerkraut, fermented cabbage. This is fantastic for your microbiome and great for supporting a strong immune system and healthy gut which is essential in these Covid 19 times.

A great gift for friends and family.... why not get a few friends together or buy as a gift for a group of students. The course is from £45pp and please contact me for booking.

Quotes from happy customers!

‘This loaf is everything I love most! Crisp crust, moist,
granary and sourdough perfection!’

‘Insanely delicious bread!’

“Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow”
Plato 428 - 348 BC