Herbs and Spices

Herbs refer to the green leafy part of the plant, used fresh or dried and the spices are produced from other parts of the plant such as the seeds, roots, bark or fruit. Used in small amounts to add flavour rather than substance in cooking. 

Herbs and Spices and their benefits
Turmeric: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant 
Cumin: natural painkiller, iron, vitamin C, combats insomnia 
Coriander: aids digestion, lowers blood sugar levels, antibiotic, good for cholesterol 
Cayenne: stimulates circulation, aids digestion, boosts metabolism
Ginger: lowers workout soreness, reduces inflammation, boosts attention and memory 
Nutmeg: anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds 
Cloves: helps rid digestive tract of unwanted bacteria 
Black pepper: contains piperine which helps burn fat and helps body use nutrients more effectively (freshly ground is the best) 
Cinnamon: Aids digestion, balances blood sugar levels, antioxidant, improves circulation 
Mustard seeds: boosts metabolic rate 
Curry leaf: aids digestion, aids weight loss, protects liver 
Oregano: anti-inflammatory, improves bone density, good for skin, antioxidant 
Rosemary: boosts memory, concentration, relieves stress, antioxidant, antimicrobial  
Thyme: antibacterial, antimicrobial, reduce blood pressure
Mint:eases digestion, supports healthy cholesterol levels. Anti-inflammatory, immune boosting. Use as a flavouring to help cut down salt intake. 

Anti-inflammatory: Fights inflammation in the body, including joints and muscles 
Antioxidant: Protects the body from free radicals 
Antibiotic: Helps destroy and slow down bacteria production in the body 
Antibacterial: Helps combat bacterial growth  
Antimicrobial: Helps fight against micro-organisms like bacteria, virus and fungus

“Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow”
Plato 428 - 348 BC