Sourdough Bread Alternative Method

450g strong bread flour (Any combination of white, wholemeal, spelt, rye, malted crunch etc)
150g of starter 
12g salt
300g warm water

Method and timings for baking in the morning 

Previous day - feed starter 6-8 hours before wanting to start preparing loaf. 10am approx
Take 40g of starter into a clean jar and feed it 100g flour and 100g water.
It should double in size over the next few hours. Use at its peak if possible.

Stage 1

Late afternoon/early evening weigh out the flour and salt and mix in a bowl.
Mix the warm water and starter in another bowl. The starter should float on the top! Stir.

Add the wet to the dry ingredients and roughly pull together with hands or spoon.  Let this sit for 30 minutes covered with a tea towel or cling film.

You are now going to perform a short kneading process called a 'Stretch and fold' four times with a 10 minute interval between each knead. You can do every 20 minutes or even 30 minutes....dont stress about the timing, just let it fit in with what you are doing. I often forget and get distracted so sometimes I only do it 3 times or have a gap of an doesnt matter!
 Grip the dough, pull it upwards and fold over to the front of the bowl. Turn bowl 90 degrees and repeat fold. Turn another 90 degress repeat for 10 folds.
Cover bowl and rest for 10 - 30 minutes.
Repeat three more times.

Your dough should have come together neatly by now, it should feel stretchy and soft.
You are now going to leave your dough covered out in the kitchen. It will take about 3 to 6 hours. This is dependant  on the temperature of your kitchen. This is called the Bulk Fermentation Stage. 
When ready your dough should have risen considerably and be quite bouncy and soft! But dont worry if it does not look much bigger - it will rise in the oven when you bake it.

Stage 2
Gently flour your surface, dough scraper and hands.
Remove dough and you are going to stretch it out into a big rectangle shape and fold it several times. Start with top pulled over and bottom folded up. Fold the left side and then the right. Repeat by pulling it out into a rectangle shape again and fold.
Turn it over so the seam is at the bottom touching the surface and using the dough scraper try to tuck under and pull the dough into a nice round shape.
There are numerous You Tube videos and websites to watch for these techniques. Try
If you wish to add seeds to the top of the loaf do it now!
Now place your loaf into your floured proving basket or bowl lined with a floured tea towel with the seam facing up and cover.
Place this in the fridge until the following morning.
Preheat a large casserole dish for 20 minutes with lid on.
Remove from fridge when ready to bake and tip it into your large greased preheated casserole dish and scour the top of the loaf  with sharp knife or razor blade. This is important as it allows the loaf to expand.

Bake  in a hot oven or aga, for 20 minutes with the lid on and a tray of water to create steam in the oven at about 230 degrees. Then remove lid, (this is the best bit when you see how much rise you have created!) lower temperature to 200 C and cook for another 15 - 20 minutes or more if you like a brown top. 
Remove and allow to cool on a wire rack and then eat with loads of delicious butter!!

Enjoy your bread! Keep practising......good luck!


“Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow”
Plato 428 - 348 BC