Working with the Foodbank

I was approached after a presentation that I did by the Brighton Foodbank to help them with an idea they had to introduce a meal in a bag scheme for their recipients.
Similar to the home delivery companies like hello fresh, gousto and mindful chef we came up with doing a monthly recipe offering all the ingredients necessary to make a meal. The ingredients are packaged in a paper bag and any spices or herbs are added in small quantities into small envelopes to minimize waste and costs.
It is quite challenging to come up with simple low cost recipes that are tasty and nutritious! Foodbanks are usually overwhelmed with pasta and rice but not with eggs, cheese or meat. There can be other challenges for people who have limited cooking facilites and utensils too.

I have put togther 4 recipes so far which can be found on my blog. They have had positive feedback from the users of the foodbank and it seems to be working well.

It has occured to me that these recipes are also very useful for students on a low budget and also the elderly who may not have access to fresh food if they have difficulties getting out to the shops.

The focus is on simplicity and cost but I hope you will find them tasty and you should be able to make them from store cupboard ingredients and a few fresh vegetables!

“Walking is a man's best medicine”
Hippocrates 460BC - 370BC